12 Heart Breaking Facts About Human Begins

- When you're introduced to a person, they are more likely to show their bright side. Later you'll find their toxic motives.
- Using your energy to worry is different from using the same energy to believe.
- The choices you make at the peak of your anger results in regret.
- You can't please everyone, for people will show their true colors and engage in putting you down.
- Nothing works as the way you imagined sometimes.
- Some favourite memories are the flashbacks you'll one day wish to never have.
- People can go from people you know, to people you dont.
- Sometimes, the one's in your house will pull out your worst side.
- It's completely okey to live a life, that others cant understand.
- Unconditional love, doesn't mean you need to give efforts from your side alone. Love is a double sided commitment.
- If you've gone through the worst and maintain to stand up again, then remember you won.
- You're not the only one who's worried. Just know you're not alone, an unsaid fact is that you've done your best till today, you matter, you are loved.
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