Oluwatosin's Inspiring Journey of Breaking Barriers as a Plus-Size Model
It's not every day that one hears of a plus-size model trying to break into the modelling industry, a field that is usually inclined towards slim figures. This was a challenge that faced OluwaTosin, a student who aspired to make it big as a model.
"Modeling Has Always Been My Dream" - Oluwatosin Shares an Inspiring Story for Other Aspiring Models
It's not every day that one hears of a plus-size model trying to break into the modelling industry, a field that is usually inclined towards slim figures. This was a challenge that faced OluwaTosin, a student who aspired to make it big as a model.
As a person competing in the modelling industry, Oluwatosin had to endure a lot of negative feedback about her body shape and size, sinking her deeper into a self-doubt mindset. Despite these challenges, OluwaTosin didn't give up on her dream, and instead, she started to motivate herself.
Worried about being overlooked and chased away in the modelling industry, Oluwatosin decided to try her luck at an audition. Unfortunately, the results were not as she had hoped. Hearing demeaning remarks from panelists about her size and shape brought back the negativity that she had pushed away. She felt crushed and discouraged until an unlikely person came along.
She met a random man named Moses Destiny who brainstormed with her and assured her that her size and shape didn't define who she is.
Moses Destiny is a photographer who uses a mobile phone (Infinix Hot 10i). He went ahead and took some pictures of her, showing her the results afterward. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Oluwatosin couldn't help but believe in herself again.
After the man took pictures of Oluwatosin, it was seen by the panelists who had earlier dismissed her, and they were awestruck by the magnificent outcome.
Oluwatosin : Shot by Moses Destiny (eruditelink)
As Oluwatosin puts it, everyone, regardless of their body size, should feel comfortable enough to pursue their dreams. The modelling industry should not be just for people with a particular body shape. With determination and a positive mindset, you can break any barrier in the modelling industry, just like Oluwatosin did.
Oluwatosin : Shot by Moses Destiny (eruditelink)
She said "Modelling as always be my dream"
Oluwatosin : Shot by Moses Destiny (eruditelink)
Oluwatosin : Shot by Moses Destiny (eruditelink)
If you're struggling with overcoming body shaming and breaking into the modelling industry as a plus-size individual, Oluwatosin's inspiring life story is one to watch. You can find the video below and be blessed with her drive towards achieving her dreams.
Adegoke Victoria also comment
"I totally understand where she's coming from due to the fact that I was plus size myself.
Being plus size comes with a lot of traumas. Is it the feeling that you don't belong? Or should we talk about the body shaming? The bullying? Or should we talk about the fact that you can't get fashionable clothes that are your size? Or the opinion that people have that "fat people naturally have body odour".
All these traumas comes with low self-esteem. The constant thinking that you're not beautiful because people made you feel/think that way, you're not able to socialise with other people because you think they don't want to be friends with you because you're fat (reason why I don't know how to make friends till date).
It takes only a strong person to rise above all those traumas.
People should be mindful of the words they speak to people. To them it might be a joke but to the person being spoken to, it might create a dent in their heart."
Watch the video of Oluwatosin's story via this Facebook link here
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To reach Oluwatosin, use this link
FB: https://web.facebook.com/calmhe.holuhwhartohsin
IG: https://www.instagram.com/favy__blac
To reach Moses Destiny, use this link
FB: https://web.facebook.com/destiny.ewex
IG: https://www.instagram.com/eruditelink
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