7 ways to keep your skin lookoing radiant

Healthy living

Jun 16, 2023 - 14:13
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     A lot of people desire radiant and youthful looking skin. While genetics, age and environment play vital roles in determining a person’s skin appearance, there are also several ways by which we can keep our skin looking supple and fresh. A lot of people today suffer from wrinkles at such an early age. In the pursuit of a healthier and better looking skin tone or texture, people having taken some measures that have begun to have an adverse effect on their body and have given them an unsightly appearance. In this article we will see seven ways by which we can keep our skin healthy.


        You’ve probably heard that the doctors recommend at least eight glasses of water daily, but do you also know that by staying hydrated one can maintain a youthful look? Drinking adequate amount of water during the day helps to flush out toxins in the skin and keeps it hydrated from the inside out. Water moisturizes the skin giving it a plumper and radiant appearance. Water keeps the body refreshed and helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin. Ageing makes it tougher for the body to retain water, so by staying hydrated, water is present in the skin preventing the onset of wrinkles and soft lines due to ageing. Water also helps to prevent the clogging of pores in the skin thereby preventing ace and pimples. Drinking water helps to increase the flow of blood to the skin which makes it look radiant.


       Diet has a lot of role in keeping the healthy appearance of the skin. Sticking to a healthy diet helps as it provides the body with the necessary nutrients it needs providing the skin with the necessary building blocks to maintain its radiance. When considering a diet, a lot of fruits and vegetables should be taken into consideration. These are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which helps to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals as well as promoting collagen production and cellular regeneration. Meanwhile, foods high in sugar, fats and preservatives should be consumed in low quantity as these foods cause acne, premature ageing and inflammation of skin. Healthy diet give our skin that radiant and beautiful tone and texture.

(7) SLEEP:

        Sleep is very essential to the body and it plays a vital role in the way our skin looks adequate sleep is often overlooked but is crucial for maintaining a healthy and radiant skin. When we sleep, our body produces growth hormones responsible for the regeneration of skin cells and self-repair, this helps to ensure the removal of damaged skin cells and replacement with new ones ensuring a youthful look, cutting back on our sleep time reduces the amount of time our body needs to repair our skin cells thereby affecting the way we look. Sleeping reduces the chances of inflammation which reduces acne. Sleeping relaxes the skin and makes us look refreshed. We should sleep for about eight to nine hours every day to keep the healthy appearance of our skin. If you want a radiant skin, SLEEP MORE.


    Getting a skincare routine is essential to maintain a radiant skin. Here’s why; establishing a consistent skincare routine that fits our skin type helps to maintain our radiant look as such routines are tailored to meet our specific skin tone. This routine should involve the cleansing, moisturizing, toning and protection of the skin from ultraviolet rays from the sun. When choosing cleansers, go for those ones that gently removes the impurities present in the skin without stripping the skin of its natural oils. Follow up the cleansing with a toner to balance the pH levels of the skin and improve its ability to absorb moisture from skincare products. Using a moisturizer is essential for preventing dryness of skin and maintaining skin hydration. It is best to consult a dermatologist when considering skincare products for your skin.


       Stress impacts the skin’s appearance negatively. During stress, the body releases some hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol which affects the flow of blood to your skin that can cause breakouts, inflammation and rapid ageing. Stress cause series of chemical reaction that makes the skin more reactive and sensitive which often leaves the skin prone to acne and breakouts. Stress also causes some changes to the proteins in the skin and can reduces the elasticity of the skin causing wrinkle formation. Skin problems such as eczema and rosacea can be caused by an increase in the stress levels which reduces the radiance of the skin. Avoiding stress triggers helps to prevent the ageing and wrinkling of the skin. Stress relieving activities such as yoga, meditation, exercise and hobbies should be performed in order to avoid stress. Connect with others, get a journal and laughing more are activities one can do to avoid stress triggers. Prioritize self-care to promote overall well-being and maintain a radiant complexion.


        Regular exfoliation is a very useful and powerful technique to keep your skin radiant. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, and unclogs pores in the skin, revealing a fresher and radiant skin. Exfoliation helps to keep the skin soft. Exfoliation also helps to lighten the skin when done in conjunction with products such as vitamin C and niacin amide. Results usually show between four to six weeks. Regular exfoliation helps to increase the production of collagen by the body, which helps to keep the skin glowing and radiant. When going for exfoliating products, one should choose products that fits ones skin. For people with oily skin, they should exfoliate at least four times a week while for those with other types of skin types can exfoliate once a week. For those with underlying skin types it’s best to consult a dermatologist before starting an exfoliation routine. Avoid harsh scrubbing when exfoliating as it can damage the skin. Chemicals such as alpha-hydroxyl acids (AHAs) and beta-hydroxyl acids (BHAs) should be used for exfoliation to ensure effective results.


         Environmental factors can contribute to skin damage. One should watch out for environmental factors such as UV rays from the sun, air pollutants and smoke from exhaust pipes. All these environmental factors affects the skin producing rashes and irritation that robs the skin from its healthy glow. Preventive measures can be taken to avoid the effects from these factors. Using a sunscreen can help in preventing the harmful UV rays. Also, one should avoid air pollutants by staying in environments free of them. Skincare products can also neutralize the effects of these pollutants. In general, achieving and maintaining a vibrant and radiant skin requires an approach that combiners a consistent skin care routine and a healthy lifestyle. By prioritizing a healthy diet, staying hydrated, staying consistent to a skin care routine, getting sufficient sleep and staying clear of environmental pollutants, one can maintain a healthy and radiant complexion. It is important to adopt and adjust a routine that fits our skin type in order to bring out the beauty of our natural skin complexion. 

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