Embracing Freedom: Why Marriage Should Not Be Compulsory
Marriage should not be something of compulsion instead it should be a choice. Society has allowed us to drag each other through the mud just because we do not conform to its way of life. Choice and change should go hand in hand and not be seen as a movement but for what it is, A CHOICE!

Marriage has long been considered a societal norm, an institution that provides a sense of stability and companionship. However, as society evolves and individuals' priorities shift, it is crucial to recognize that marriage should not be compulsory. In this article, we will explore the reasons why individuals should have the freedom to choose whether or not to marry, and how society can benefit from embracing this perspective.
As a collective, we have been taught that marriage should be seen as a rite of passage and an accomplishment, and it makes you wonder, why should companionship be seen as an achievement and not as what it is supposed to be. A happy union between people that love and respect each other.
Here are some factors to further understand:
- Financial Independence and Stability
The financial implications of marriage are significant. Sharing assets, joint liabilities, and the potential loss of individual financial independence are some of the considerations that individuals need to weigh when deciding to marry. Some people prefer to maintain their financial autonomy and freedom, allowing them to make independent decisions without the need for consultation or compromise. Choosing not to marry can provide a level of financial stability and flexibility that may be more aligned with an individual's goals and aspirations.
- Reduced Stigma and Judgment
By acknowledging that marriage is not a requirement, we can help reduce the stigma and judgment faced by those who choose to remain single or unmarried. Society should not equate one's worth or happiness with their marital status. Individuals who do not wish to marry may face undue scrutiny and societal pressure to conform. Recognizing their autonomy and personal choices will lead to a more accepting and inclusive society, where everyone's choices are respected and celebrated. Happiness is something universal and can be derived from a majority of things so let us put our hands together and accept that people have different opinions and ideas of what life shpuld be focused on.
- Changing Social Dynamics
Society is evolving rapidly, and traditional family structures are no longer the only acceptable model. Single-parent households, childless couples, and chosen families are becoming increasingly common and accepted. This shift reflects the changing values and priorities of individuals and highlights the need for a broader understanding of relationships beyond marriage. Recognizing and embracing these diverse family structures is vital for creating an inclusive and accepting society.
- Evolving Relationship Structures
The traditional concept of marriage as a union between a man and a woman has evolved significantly in recent decades. Society has become more accepting of diverse relationship structures, including same-sex marriages, cohabitation, and open relationships. Recognizing and respecting these alternative relationship models is essential, as they provide individuals with the freedom to shape their partnerships according to their own values and preferences. For some, these non-traditional arrangements may better align with their personal goals and aspirations.
So in conclusion, marriage should not be viewed as a compulsory institution for all individuals. Instead, society should celebrate and support diverse relationship choices, acknowledging the importance of personal autonomy, fulfillment, and evolving social dynamics. By embracing individuality and providing equal respect to those who choose not to marry, we can create a more inclusive and accepting world where everyone can pursue their own unique paths to happiness and fulfillment. Growing should be something we embrace and not something that we fight against, let us stop the stigmatization at people who think different as accept the changes that come with life.
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