The reason why most of the above types end up in unhappy relationships is that they are exhausted by motivational pressures that fail to take into account what a good life partnership is and what makes them happy. That's it. So what is a happy life partnership? If you found this helpful and want to know more, leave a comment for part two.

If you're thinking about quitting your relationship or considering a divorce, blame it on you, not the other partner! Therefore, you should meditate on the basis of a happy relationship! Healthy relationships require honesty, trust, respect, open communication between partners, and compromise on both sides. Please read through this article and write down your findings. Get rid of the negative sides and grow the positive traits.
Every woman wants a stable man or, in other words, a man who will be able to earn at least enough for the family to have a good life. It is okay. Women usually desire handsome men with countless virtues. She will reject even her good behavior and offer herself to him.
Your choice of a life partner
Of course, all the research on the big difference in happiness levels between happy and unhappy marriages makes perfect sense. That's your life partner. Thinking about the importance of choosing the right spouse is like thinking about how vast the universe is or how terrifying death is. It’s too intense to think about. Centralize its reality, then we don't think about it.
We tend to be in denial of the seriousness of the situation. But unlike death and the size of the universe, choosing a partner is entirely in your hands. Therefore, it is very important to understand the true significance of the decision and analyze the implications.
How much of a big deal is this to us?
When choosing a life partner you choose many things, including your parenting partner and someone who will be a powerful influence on your children, your meal companion for thousands of meals, your travel buddy for lifetime vacations, and your major rest period. a retired friend, your occupational therapist, and someone whose tag you have heard about millions of times.
Finding the one has become the most important thing in life, but How is it now possible that so many good, wise, and logical people would end up choosing the wrong partnership that would leave them frustrated and unhappy? Well, it turns out that many factors are working against us:
Society isn’t friendly.
Society has encouraged us to remain uneducated and let romance guide us. When you are a business owner, it is expected of you to have studied business administration in school, to be successful.
As a business owner, you are expected to create well-thought-out business plans and carefully analyze your company's performance. That makes sense because that's what you do when you want to do something well and minimize mistakes.
But When one goes to school to learn how to choose a life partner and form a healthy relationship, when they work out a detailed plan of action to find one, and when they organize their progress strictly in a spreadsheet, society says that they do it rationally. Or they are too worried about it or they will assume that they are insane. When it comes to dating, society frowns on overthinking it.
Instead, do things like trust fate, follow your intuition, and hope for the best. If a business owner were to go with society's advice on dating for their business, they would probably fail, and if they succeed, it would be due to luck. This is how society wants us to approach dating.
Time is not your friend, says society.
In the world today, the most important rule is to get married before you are too old. Too old varies from she's 25 to So she's 35, depending on where you live. Whatever you do, don't marry the wrong person."
This should be the rule, but society tends to prefer a 37-year-old who is unhappily married to a single person. It makes no sense because the single one is one step away from being happily married, while the unhappy married one must endure either eternal unhappiness or a horrific divorce just to regain their virtue.
our biology does us no good.
Human biology developed long ago and it cannot differentiate between the concept of a deep connection and choosing a life partner for years.
When we get into a relationship (dating) with someone and feel the slightest hint of excitement, our biology goes into “okay, let's do it” mode and bombards us with chemicals designed to mate(desire), making us feel that we are in love and then we tend to commit to the long term. Normally, our brain can reverse this process if we're not just too emotionally attached to this person, but in all those cases where the right move is probably to move on and find something better, we often succumb to a chemical roller coaster and get engaged at the end.
Knowing what you want from a relationship saves too many stitches.
Research has shown that single people tend to be bad at predicting what their true relationship preferences will be later on. Also, a study found that people that rush into relationships and are asked about their relationship preferences were proven wrong after a few minutes about what they prefer in a real-world event.
That shouldn't come as a surprise because in life, something usually only succeeds after you've done it a few times. Sadly, not many people get the chance to have more than a few serious relationships before making a big decision.
And because a person's partner’s character and relationship needs are often vastly different from those they have alone, it's difficult for a single person to know what you want or need in a relationship.
The reason why most of the above types end up in unhappy relationships is that they are exhausted by motivational pressures that fail to take into account what a good life partnership is and what makes them happy. That's it. So what is a happy life partnership? If you found this helpful and want to know more, leave a comment for part two.
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