Can cats predict death? Do they see something beyond the physical? Well, your guess is as good as mine. Read further if you wish to uncover the true story of Oscar the Cat that possessed strange abilities.
Oh, the love we all have for our furry friends! Cats are one of those animals you don't want to mess with because they just seem to have one superpower or another. Whether it is wall climbing like Spiderman or super-fast reflexes, they've got it all. Okay, maybe not like Superman, but there once lived a cat that could see into the future—he could predict death.
Meet Oscar, the typical kind of cat you see every day. He is so cute and cuddly, but there is something strange about him. Oscar was a therapy cat who slept near certain patients at the Steere Housing Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Rhode Island. Whenever Oscar slept beside a sick patient, all the staff knew that unfortunate doom was near.
Oscar predicted many deaths, surprising even experienced doctors. How Oscar predicts death remains an issue of hypothesis. While some believe that he could smell biochemicals released by dying cells, others believe he sensed the stillness of the dying patients. No matter which one you choose, there is no denying that Oscar's incredible superpower brought comfort to patients in their last moments.
Do all cats possess the ability to predict death? What superpower does your cat possess? Let us know in the comments below.
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