Mira is yet to find her foot. She must be strong for what is about to come her path.

Chapter 7
I looked back at the congregation,seeing my grandma and also my little brother with his strikingly handsome face. Lately, the more he grew the more he carried my mom's facial features. His face was beaming with a dazzling smile that lit up the whole room. How can I let him be taken away from me; with this thought in mind and my grandma's encouraging nod, I took a bold step that I might regret.
Then the officiating priest started with his sermon,after that came the marital vow and finally the kissing of the bride.
When he came closer I tightened my lips,but he came even closer leaving no space, tightening his grip on me,he pinched my waist hard and at that moment I gasped giving him the chance to stick his lips on mine.
I was entranced,his lips tasted like Burberry mixed with cinnamon flavor. Seconds later he withdrew himself like he just got burnt and I came back to my senses, what the hell was I thinking!
I felt like slapping myself.
It was over,my freedom and happiness;but for the fact I get to keep my little brother,then there is nothing I can't endure in this hell marriage.later my father walked up to me.
' Mira, you are now married to the Valarie family and Lucio is now your husband..'
'Like I had a choice or you gave me one.'
'' Mira, don't be stubborn! The Valarie families aren't one you should mess with especially Lucio.``
I was beginning to get scared of my husband's family with the way Dad is talking.
"What about him that..?"
" Just do what you are asked not to do and everyone will be fine.."
I timidly nodded my head,just thinking about the type of family I married to is already giving me a headache.
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