The universe reflect his blessings through his image reflected in us Let this billionaire mind run through, let it become a dialy routine Start each day with a sound unshakable belief and work towards achieving your bigger mental picture into the physical word of result. Let the speaking and working be equal..

According to Jim rohn one of my favorite speaker, he said for thing's to change you must change.
It just feels so refreshing having the billionaire mind in waking up from bed, been alert all day for success, putting the necessary efforts to better at anything you do as been said in the scriptures whatever your hands find doing, do it well
Your philosophy is your Life, you need to constantly work on your philosophy but if your philosophy doesn't illuminates, improve, refined and enlighten you
The solution to all individual need/want is to strong unshakable belief in accompany with a burning desire.
Be thankfully for Everything, do what you can and leave the mysterious to God to handle
Never neglect knowledge.
Motto: the wise rich priest
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